That's our picture from Christmas Day at my Grandmothers' house. It was a wonderful day with fellowship of our families as well as some amazing gifts! We hope you all had a special day as well.
So now it's back to real life. I've been spoiled this past week and a half (like many people) and got to have the entire time off. That's a lot when it means not having to work with little kids hehe. I am excited to get back to my job because I'm getting a little restless here, but boy I'm not looking forward to it. Only because after that long of time the kids will be bouncing off the walls! And I can forget about my favorite time of the day...quiet time! There's lots of new happenings though. My boss expanded to a room in the elementary school so she's going with another worker and about half of our kids so Dee and I have about 16 kids and a new worker so it'll be interesting to say the least.
We're hoping that 2009 will be a new year for Justin. He's interested in doing a comic strip that we hope will take off. And he's heard really positive things about his job at Pizza Hut from both of the high up bosses so hopefully in December when things are more or less "settled" he will be able to begin a new future.
And the biggest thing is that we're in the process of looking for homes. It's a very slow process and we're not even sure if we can do it as far as loans and the economy are going right now, but we wanted to start anyway. There's a few houses that we've seen on the internet. We ask that you keep us in your prayers for God to show us when He wants us to move and also where.
And that's our life right now. Getting back into the swing of things. I have quilts to make and books to read so hugs and kisses to you all! xoxo