Monday, April 26, 2010

What I've Learned...

Today is my 25th birthday. As a child, the mere thought of this "old" age sent my head spinning, as I see it does with my own kids at work. Yet now that I've hit this magic age I just don't feel it. In an instant I went from a little girl in pigtails to a grown woman with a family. It's as if I went to sleep and woke up in someone elses' body.

I was telling my friend that I feel at this age I should have learned something by now; a little insight into this world in which I live. Honestly though? I wasn't hit with a lightning bolt today which suddenly explained the world so instead I made a list ~ a list of 25 things that I have learned in these very few years upon this Earth.

~Faith will always help see you through no matter what the situation.
~Spend as much time with loved ones as you can
~Drinking and darts are pretty much a bad combination no matter the circumstance
~Bad things happen. It's life. Hold your head up and keep on moving.
~When hunting for a good looking guy at the Ren Faire, you will inevitably get lost and drive around York and Southern PA the REST of the day.
~Always go all in for love. Don't be afraid of what will happen. Otherwise nothing ever will.
~The Laurel Festival monkey has always had, and will always have, the ebola virus.
~Enjoy good food and drinks. Don't worry about those few extra pounds. You look great!
~Free furniture creates some of the best memories
~Always tell people how much you love them. You may never get the chance to say it again.
~Never trust a tattoo place which sets up shop at the county fair.
~Cherish the past. It's where you came from. Look towards the future. It's where you're going.
~Having your body covered in liquid detergent is not cool the next day.
~Dance in the rain.
~Enjoy growing older but always keep the child in you.
~Always try to travel. There's so much of the world to see. But when you do, don't forget the small town and raised you. It's always better at home.
~Don't worry about your weight, gray hair or wrinkles on your face. Each of these "problem" areas has a story story to tell of romantic dinners out, excitement and adventure and deep laughs shared by friends.
~Hobos are scarier than most people give them credit for.
~Never get too old to laugh until you cry.
~College days and nights make for some of the best memories you'll ever have
~Taking pics are some of the best ways to remember special events and to be used for blackmail later.
~Celebrate every day because you never know when it may be your last.
~Don't always focus on just the big events. It's the small, everyday things that create life.
~Always eat the whole fortune cookie to make the fortune count
~Friends and loves come and go. They can either break your heart or lift you to the heavens, but each relationship makes you the person you are today.

So yeah, I have learned these few insights but was it a spark that suddenly gave me all the answers? Of course not. But maybe I'm not suppose to figure it out. Maybe no one is. After all, life is a mystery that may never be uncovered. That's why we all need to make our own list and just live life to the fullest.

Here's to many more birthdays for us all!