Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Getting Ready

Justin and I are getting ready. Getting ready for what? Well, for our first ever wedding anniversary (!) and for our yearly vacation.

On the 21st, we are leaving to go to Penn State to visit my friend Shonna and to see the comedian Jeff Dunham in person. We're really excited since he is our absolute favorite! The next morning we are going to drive down to Pittsubrgh to visit our friends, Sarah and David.

(*Sorry about the pic...I'm new to this and just trying out different aspects of it*)

So, when we're in Pitts. we're going to basically just spend the day at the zoo. And to celebrate our anniversary with them, we're going to go out to supper at a Japanese steakhouse. That night we will leave to go to Baltimore. Basically, we'll be going to Poe's grave and stopping by Charm City Cakes as well as going to an aquarium which I hear is really good. Then on Wed. we'll be going to Amish country and hopefully stopping by to see Penny and give her the baby present. Thurs and most of Fri. will be spent in Philadelphia. We're going to see the Rocky statue and eat at Geno's in honor of Justin's birthday! Also, we're going to see the Rodin, LOVE and possibly clothespin statue. Hehe and go on a Duck ride and ghost walk. Oh and the best is going to see the haunted prison of Eastern State Penitentiary. Then we might get to see Jenn that night and maybe on Sat.
We're really excited to be able to take this trip and get to spend some extra time with each other without the worries of work and time limits and, basically, reality. Plus, with my new camera that Justin got me for an early Christmas present I can take some amazing pics that will definately be posted up here for all to enjoy!

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