Friday, October 23, 2009

Back to the Writing World

Wow, I can't believe how long I've been away from this blog. I know that my cousin will be happy that I finally wrote since she already commented on my absence already.

So what's been going on in my life? Not too much I suppose. Justin and I have celebrated our second anniversary which was amazing :-). We went down to Washington DC and got to spend time with my cousins that we never see. It was so much fun down there. And it wasn't as nerve-wracking as I thought. Like I figured me coming from up here in the boondocks I would be flipping out in our nation's capital but I was really surprised that the number of people really weren't overwhelming. Then we went up to Philadelphia for the rest of the week and spent time with Justin's cousins. That was a lot of fun since we don't really get to see them either. We went to the city once but otherwise we just hung around their area. Probably the nicest part was going to Longwood Gardens. It was so different than everything we have up here <3.> Well, this was short but at least it was a post so I'm feeling good haha. I PROMISE I will write more though. xoxo

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