Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Our Perfect Christmas Presents

I really let this blog go :-( Well, now I have a different incentive to keep it up. Instead of keeping everybody up to date on what's going on inside my growing tummy I can regale you all of the miracles that are currently sleeping in my livingroom. So while my last post was at 20 weeks, I am now a week and a half past being pregnant and it's taking a bit of time to adjust. I look at my body and can't believe that what once was a large stomach has shrunk back to smaller than before I even got pregnant. I find myself running my hands over my stomach and feeling a small ache that there are no longer little feet inside my womb kicking and moving about. But then I look at the bassinets and realize that those subtle movements have been replaced by something so much better.

Now, we had set up a c-section for the 31st, which would've been 37 weeks (though the dr. insisted it was really 38). We were told no eating after midnight...13 hrs. of no eating or drinking for me?! Crazy! Other than that, however, things seemed good. Justin went to work that night (the 23rd) and when he came home brought me some fries. I absently questioned what would happen if someone had to get a c-sec. but had eaten beforehand. I soon found out...That night, at a quarter til midnight, I was awoken when my water broke. Rushing to the hospital, we were told that I was 4cms. and could not travel the hour to the hospital we wanted to deliver at so we were stuck here. Almost 2 hours, very little pain and a c-section later, we welcomed our daughter (Lucia) and son (Seth) on Christmas Eve morning. Both sets of parents were there to welcome our new arrivals as well. At 36 weeks I was nervous about what their health would be. That was our main reason for wanting to deliver at a different hospital because there was a NICU there. However, each baby looked completely healthy. The only problem was that they were small; 4.8 and 4.11. Other than that, God had blessed us with beautiful, healthy babies.

And now we're home. We did have to stay a week in the hospital to get them to gain some weight since they lost the customary 10% of their weight just like singleton babies. But on the 31st, the day of our schedule surgery, the entire family was discharged to spend New Year's Eve at home. People ask if it is easy or challenging for us. Well, without ever having known what it's been like with one I can't answer either way. I know that there are times that it's difficult and definately will be when Justin goes back to work next week but for now I can at least say that we're both still going strong and are feeling emotions we've never felt before. The love we have for these little ones is amazing. I just want to set and hold them. I want to see them grow because I know that as they get older they're a lot of fun, their personalities come out more and I will be able to be the friend of my chidren. However, there's a part of me that wishes they will stay this small forever; just so I can hold them in my arms, snuggle them and kiss their little noses.

And now this entry comes to a close. While the little ones are still sleeping, I need to find my own supper and get theirs ready. I'm excited to see where this blog is going to go and grow with my children. I hope that you're as excited as I am.

1 comment:

Stacy Salter said...

God has truly blessed you. Keep this blog up. Someday, they will be able to look back and see everything you have hoped and reamed and done for them. I will be reading it every chance that I get.